Saturday, March 28, 2009

Grass Stains

Hello Xavierites,

Many of you may have noticed some of the changes going on around campus, one of the latest being the new grass and shrubbery in front of St. Martin Deporres (aka STD). Yay! Our building looks nicer! Great, but is that why our housing bill has been steadily increasing? I could have sworn that the first increase was for free laundry!? I'm pretty sure that if I go to the few floors in the building that have laundry rooms, I still have to pay for that shit, (or jimmy the machine if you know how, but that's still unnecessary energy being wasted.) So basically every resident in this bitch paid $50 more each semester (every semester-check your bill) for GRASS? That's like giving money to help feed the starving babies in Ethiopia, and you find out those bitches just bought mansions for themselves. That's like giving money to a poor man who says he's hungry and he just spends it on booze. I think Kanye West said it best: "She was s'pose to buy your shorty TYCO with your money;
she went to the doctor got lipo with your money..." Mr. Sanchez, we want free laundry! Mrs. Bracy, we want free laundry! We want free laundry! We want FREE laundry! GIVE US FREE (laundry)! Or bitch give us our money back, but don't spend it on shit like grass, and not even good grass. That shit is sod! you know they are gonna have to pull it up and replace it soon. STD is on that good bullshit.

Hate it or Love it,
Miss Xquisite

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