Tuesday, April 14, 2009

You Go Girl!!!

There happens to be another XU blog that shall remain nameless that claims to be objective and seems to discourage online trash talk, and yet they do things like their DIE segment that not so anonymously ridicules XU students fashion choices... How can you talk shit about facebook battles and pettiness one day, yet go and put people on blast on YOUR blog the next? We think its a ploy to get readers... and its just plain rude. One of the blog's victims Mrs Codiline Dye is fighting back, and we applaud her. Here is what she had to say:

Disclaimer: It Is About To Get Real. Because Some Things Need To Be Addressed.

I'm going to go ahead and get to the point. At the end of March I was "featured" in some blog about how I dress. Half the people who have read it know it was me, because of some distinctive items that I wore. You know that's Codi/Codiline if she's wearing that. But you know what I don't appreciate?

That. That RIGHT there. The random photography of me when I'm sitting outside the UC. Random, man. Like I was not even AWARE that the picture was being taken, especially when I am going through a normal day at school. With things pasted on my picture: one to cover my face, and the other to say "Really?"

Well, I ask the people who wrote about me that same question. "Really"? Are you serious?

I'm not the kind of person to trip off of certain things, but this makes me cringe. It's not just the fact that I was targeted. It's the fact that what they did promotes the blatant crap that we can't get over in life.

We wonder why people talk about other people, and why drama starts; why people never smile at one another and instead mean-mug each other; Why people would rather be enemies than friends.

This is what brings us down.

I have my own style. Is it the style that everyone else follows? Oh no. That's why it's called MY STYLE. I could give a darn what you think. Those are my mom's shoes, and I'm proud to say that because I love them. Other than that, I owe no one an explanation as to why I wear what I wear. And I don't intend to judge other people, but I don't have all kinds of money to spend so I look different every single day out of each year. I have shoes I wear all the time, and I rarely switch them up. That's me.

Hahahaha, Fashion at Xavier. I'm only worried about Academics and Extra Curriculars at Xavier, thank you very much. (Note: Fashion at Xavier has no reference to the actual organization present at Xavier University. I'm using Fashion at Xavier as a general term.)

It just goes to show...if one person is different, they are deemed fashion-illiterate. Not like I care, though. I'll wear what I want to wear, without so much as a second glance as to what you think.

This is so childish...I'm not even promoting this because I'm not going to state the website. If you know it, good for you. Well, not so good, because you will only be fueling the "gossip/news" that the site promotes. If you don't know it, go ahead and ask somebody. Look it up. Hopefully you aren't on it yet.

I would have felt so much better if the person who wrote that article came up to me and said, "Man, I really don't think that outfit looks good on you. Nothing matches. It just...ugh..." so I could say, "Well...I'm Sorry You Feel That Way...but if you don't like it, just make sure you don't wear it!"

In closing, I'd like to say that you all are the reason why we continue to have social problems. You write this stuff, and it gets to people. Some are stronger and repel what is said, but in all, you just fuel the fire of, well, gossip.

Want to make Xavier a better place? Stop complaining, stop targeting, stop gossiping, stop conforming.


We would like to reinforce that here at XquisiteU we don't tear down our readers, we are strictly offering our opinions on certain topics that affect XU students as a whole... This happens to be one we feel strongly about, and we agree with everything you said. We RESPECT individuality... we don't PERSECUTE it. Keep doing you, girl we got your back (especially since you helped us out the other day!)

Hate it or Love it,
Miss Xquisite

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