Sunday, April 12, 2009

XU Last Week

Hey Xavierites!

I know it's been a while since we blogged, and you may have missed us. It's our fault, we have been neglecting our duties, but you all know how XU gets close to the end of the semester. Anyway here's an update.


Ahh yes Springfest last week...
We owe Trey Songz an apology... we have actually heard a lot of his songs without knowing it was him who sang them, so the concert was a pleasant surprise (even though there was no Drake, or Sissy Nobby :'(...) We think we just overreacted to the fact that they decided to charge for Springfest this year, and that's not his fault. We are sorry for transferring our negative feelings and using Trey SEXY as a scapegoat. That fine little man can put on quite a show! He was up on stage doing his thing and undoing his clothes when the XU BITCHASSNESS kicked in... We all saw it coming. It was like watching a train wreck and being able to do nothing about it. The poor R&B Sex God was pulled off stage faster than you can say "fake-ass PD." I heard someone shout "If they are gonna yank you offstage for taking your shirt off, then you may as well drop everything!" Oh ma'am... I agree...

Hate it or Love it,
Miss Xquisite

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